If you ever browsed through any of the porn tube sites, you must have seen 21Sextury production videos amongst others. They are a network of hardcore sites that work to bring almost every possible niche to their fans. I mean, 220 genres of porn is an impressive number, you have to admit! By buying a monthly membership of $29.95, you get access to all of their sites. It is clear why Xbiz has awarded 21Sextury with the adult site of the year!
They offer 12,000 porn videos starring 3100 pornstars and added up together, that is more than 4800 hours of porn! Hours! That is 200 days of only the best and hottest porn available online! The math says that paying the yearly fee is the best way to go, because that is a lot of porn to watch!
Another honest 21Sextury review was written by our friends at RabbitsReviews, its worth your read.