If you have ever wondered why some people prefer amateur porn to any other kind of porn, then you should know that it can all be explained with just one phrase. ‘It looks real’ is the phrase in question. Even though there is the word ‘looks’, which implies that something only appears in a certain manner, is in that phrase, it still feels quite real when lovers of amateur porn are actually watching it. When it comes to some people, you simply cannot fool them. They are not interested in the fancy, innovative shots, the makeup, and all of the other things that professional porn production houses apply to their videos. They want raw action.
As I’ve already said, this ‘raw action’ makes them feel like that porno clip actually happened the way it was presented. While there are many kinds of amateur porn, with some clearly featuring professional or semi-professional pornstars and some featuring ‘real’ girls, the very concept of it is still the same. There is one component of amateur porn that is also featured in professional porn, but the former does it better. This component is the story. More often than not, stories (as well as acting) in amateur porn clips is better than the one in the high budget ‘professional’ porn videos. A particular setting and a seemingly incredible turn of events are all it takes to make one kind of an amateur porn video. Yet again, you can just turn on the camera and start shooting.
In order to understand better why some people enjoy amateur porn so much, I suggest that you check out some of the video clips. You can do it right here, on BestListofPorn, or visit any of the amateur porn sites listed on this website. Once you actually experience firsthand the rawness of the action, the settings, and the camerawork of amateur videos, you will slowly realize why it is so popular. If you are used to 90’s porn starlets and the way their videos were shot, you might easily dismiss amateur porn. But, then again, you can also blame the 90’s porn for many things. These videos do not have the proper lighting. These videos are not shot with professional cameras. They don’t feature sexy blondes being nailed. These videos are intentionally the opposite of all of the aforementioned things.
In the end, we come back to that phrase from the opening paragraph. There is something about human beings which makes them aroused while watching other people having sex. The more real it feels, the greater the arousal levels will be. It is as simple as that. And, truly, it doesn’t matter if you have accidentally discovered amateur porn or if you have purposely checked it out in order to see what all of the fuss is about – once you become a lover of this type of porn, rarely will you go back to ‘normal’ porn. At least, this was the case with me and some other people that I know. Amateur porn is incredible and simply because it feels real (or is real – see, this is a subject for philosophers) it will pull you in and never release its hold on you.